Sunday School

Sunday School September 18th, Sunday school will begin at 10:30 am with a singing session. Teachers meeting – There will be a short in person […]

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Sunday School

Sunday School • September 11th, Sunday school will begin at 10:30 am with a singing session. With Regards, John Varghese (Anil) & Sunday School Leadership Team

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Galveston & Other Area bi-weekly Bible Study

•    Galveston & Other Area bi-weekly Bible Study: Thursday, September 8th at 8 PM, on Zoom • 20308?pwd=NmhBVnVhcnRKOUkxUE9h SGRyYXFsUT09 •     Meeting ID: 440 320 308 & Passcode: […]

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Fasting Prayer Meetings

Fasting Prayer Meetings •     Friday, September 9th @ 9:30 AM @ Church •     Friday, September 9th @ 9:30 AM @ Stafford Parsonage

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