• Valiya Nombu Namaskara Kramam

    I’m sending the link to download the “Valiya Nombu Namaskara Kramam” (Great Lent Worship Order). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YDqem9SSNXjAaK312FuYyI7DwJa9I3Sw/view?usp=sharing The link to participate over Zoom is given below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/440320308?pwd=NmhBVnVhcnRKOUkxUE9hSGRyYXFsUT09 […]

  • Schedule of Prayer Meetings for this week

    March 9, 2021. Tuesday  Alief and Sugar Land Area Prayer at 07.00 PM over Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/440320308?pwd=NmhBVnVhcnRKOUkxUE9hSGRyYXFsUT09 Meeting ID: 440 320 308 Passcode: 2222 One tap […]