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Light to Life 2025

Light to Life is a social development endeavor of the Diocese of North America to ensure children from poor communities get access to life’s essentials, […]

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  • Wise Caring August 31, 2024
    The sight was heartbreaking. A pod of fifty-five pilot whales had stranded themselves on a Scottish beach. Volunteers tried to save them, but ultimately they died. No one knows why mass strandings like this occur, but it could be due to the whales’ strong social bonds. When one gets into trouble, the rest come to […]
    Sheridan Voysey
  • What’s in Your Hand? August 30, 2024
    A few years after I received salvation and dedicated my life to God, I felt Him directing me to lay down my journalism career. As I put down my pen and my writing went into hiding, I couldn’t help feeling that one day God would call me to write for His glory. And indeed, He […]
    Nancy Gavilanes


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