VBS Registration Payments
Please use one of the following methods to make your VBS registration payment:
Mail-in Check
You can mail or drop off a check to the Registration team. Please refer to your VBS registration confirmation email for address details and be sure to include your VBS registration confirmation number in the memo field of the check.
Make payments using Venmo account: Search the recipient as ‘@TrinityMTC-VBS’ OR Scan the QR code below and make the payment. The telephone number associated with this account is 713-408-9614.
Please include your VBS registration confirmation number in the memo field.
If you have questions, please contact the vbs@trinitymtc.org. or for more information visit: VBS
VBS Donations:
We strongly encourage donations of any amount via Venmo to "trinitymtc-vbs"/cash/check payable to "Trinity Mar Thoma Church Sunday School". Please include "VBS Donation" in the memo (more information). Our goal is to reach $33,000 in donations this year. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Here‘s the link to VBS Venmo profile.
Check out our progress in donations!
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Donation Calculator
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