Neighborhood mission is the outreach activities focused on the parish Neighborhoods.
Project Design: The mission encourages and coordinates the parishes of the diocese to work in collaboration with local churches, agencies and institutions to effectively respond to the local needs and witness Christ in the local Neighborhoods. The mission keep track of and publicizes the ministry the parishes do in their neighborhoods.
Urban Mission Trip: The Neighborhood Mission annually coordinates Urban Mission trip to foster the Mar Thoma Church's missional presence and impact at the local parish level, highlighting the need to view the local community as a vital mission field. Participants to this mission trip come from different parishes of the Diocese. The Mission committee partner with an Organization for the Urban Mission. Participants attended many activities that brought awareness to the root causes of violence, poverty, and income inequality, inaccessibility to quality education, homelessness and injustice in the urban cities of the United States.
Bimonthly newsletter: The purpose of the newsletter is to introduce neighborhood outreach activities of the parishes in different regions of our Diocese. Each issue of the newsletter focused on one region's neighborhood mission activities.
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