Worship is the expression of the quest of human mind for communion with God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. The
body, heart, mind and soul of the worshipper are all involved in the worship experience. Awareness of God’s presence makes worship alive
and meaningful. The whole creation proclaims the glory of God, says the Bible: “The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above
proclaims his handiwork” (Ps 19:1). Worship is the celebration of the salvation and abundance of life possible for the whole creation in and through Jesus Christ. It is an occasion of the fulfillment of our Lord’s promise that when two or three
are gathered in his name he would be in their midst. The Lord also said that the hour was coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Worship is a service.
Worship provides zeal and vigour to the mission of the Church.
The word Liturgy is derived from the Greek term Leitourgia which means Service. Church, the Body of Christ, gathers for worship and disperses into the world at large for service. The ministry of the Kingdom of God engaged in by the worshipping community is called the Liturgy
after the liturgy.
The reading and proclamation of the Word of God has a unique
significance in worship. Ministry of the Word should be relevant
exposition of the Word to equip the People of God to participate in the
Kingdom witness and building up of the church. The lectionary is
prepared as per the church calendar to help meaningful christian witness,
across the year, to the redemptive acts of Jesus Christ who dwelt among
us in grace and truth. May God prepare the church to meditate the
whole year on the life of Jesus Christ which includes the birth, baptism,
death on the cross, burial, resurrection, ascension and the glorious
appearance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Word of life and
God incarnate of the Virgin Mary.
The Lectionary - 2023 is an amended version of the Cycle A
order of the Communion of Churches in India. The members of the
Liturgical Commission who put in great efforts to prepare the church
calendar and Lectionary are Rev. Dr. Koshy P. Varughese, Dr. (Mrs) Mariamma James, Rev. Sam Koshy T. and Very Rev. Dr. Easow Mathew (Convenor).
May our worship as well as the reading and proclamation of
the Word of God help us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God, as St Paul says. It is our spiritual worship.
Let us not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewal of
our minds, that by testing we may discern the will of God - what is
good, acceptable and perfect in his sight.
Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Suffragan Metropolitan,
Chairman, Liturgical Commission
Thomas Mathew says:
April 1, 2023 at 1:42 AMPlease send me the 2023 Sunday lectionary