Bible gateway
- The Bible Gateway Blog Has Moved! July 1, 2024Please visit Bible Gateway: News & Knowledge for the latest articles and updates from Bible Gateway, including Bible-related news, information, and of course the reflections and excerpts you know and love from bestselling Christian authors, thinkers, pastors, and influencers. The post The Bible Gateway Blog Has Moved! appeared first on Bible Gateway Blog.Bible Gateway
- Dig deeper into the Story of God with Bible Gateway Plus May 30, 2024“‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’ When I think there was a day when a human hand first wrote those words, I am filled with awe. This sentence is a masterpiece of compression. It approximates as closely as words allow the instantaneous realization of an intent, the bringing into being of […]Bible Gateway
- Savannah Guthrie on the “Bonus Commandment” and Two-Part Salvation May 8, 2024What is a favorite Bible passage of yours and why? Choosing your favorite verse is like choosing your favorite child – it’s kind of impossible! A verse I recite to myself often is, “I love the Lord for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because of this, I will call on […]Bible Gateway
- How We Can Live Courageously in a World Full of Suffering May 7, 2024By Matt Chandler If you and I are going to be Overcomers and live courageously in this mess, it’d be helpful to understand some of it. After we see ultimate reality in Revelation 4–5, in Revelation 6 we get more help seeing behind all the mess. We get some good news about how we can […]Guest Post
- How ‘All the Genealogies of the Bible’ helps bring clarity on God’s love for us April 25, 2024Have you wondered if the Bible’s genealogies are an important part of Bible study? Many of us skim through the genealogies, but they are important and play a part in how we can come to understand the cultural nuances around the time of each person’s life in the Bible. That’s why we are introducing All […]Bible Gateway
Our Daily Bread
- Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus February 5, 2025June’s eyes were fixed on the gray car beside her. She had to change lanes to exit the highway, but each time she tried to overtake it, the other driver seemed to speed up too. Finally, she managed to cut in front. Smug in her moment of triumph, June looked in the rearview mirror and […]Jasmine Goh
- God’s Spacious Place February 4, 2025When theologian Todd Billings received a diagnosis of incurable blood cancer, he described his imminent mortality as like lights in distant rooms turning off or flickering. “As the father of a one- and three-year-old, I tended to think of the next few decades as an open expanse, assuming I would see Neti and Nathaniel grow […]Amy Boucher Pye
- Lowly but Loved by God February 3, 2025One day at church, I greeted a visiting family. I knelt next to their little girl’s wheelchair, introduced her to my service dog, Callie, and complimented her pretty pink glasses and boots. Though she was nonverbal, her smile told me she enjoyed our conversation. Another little girl approached, avoiding eye contact with my new friend. […]Xochitl Dixon
- Christ’s Visual Paradox February 2, 2025One of the great hymn writers of all time, Isaac Watts, wrote “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.” In penning its lyrics, he used the poetic device of paradox to show a contrast in themes: “my richest gain I count but loss” and “pour contempt on all my pride.” We sometimes call these “oxymorons,” words […]Kenneth Petersen
- Our Father’s Love February 1, 2025Kim settled in by the window, bag packed, waiting eagerly for her daddy to arrive. But as the bright day darkened and then turned to night, her enthusiasm faded. She realized Daddy wasn’t coming—again. Kim’s parents were divorced, and she longed to spend time with her father. Not for the first time she thought, I […]Alyson Kieda
Marthoma Church
- Abraham Malpan Memorial Lecture 2017 (Synopsis)- Thomas C. Benjamin, I.A.S. November 16, 2017abraham-malpan-lecture-2017Sabha Secretary
- Patristic Understanding of Ministry- Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew March 3, 2017Patristic Understanding of Ministry – Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew Introduction Christian Church is envisaged as the continuation […]Sabha Secretary
- EFFECTIVE MINISTRY IN MODERN TIMES- Rev. Sajesh Mathews June 14, 2016Celebrated Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl remains best-known for his indispensable 1946 psychological memoir Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl introduces his concept on‘Existential Vacuum’ or meaninglessness or emptiness. He uses the term ‘existential’ in three ways. Firstly the term refers to existence itself, which is specifically human mode of being. Secondly it refers […]Sabha Secretary
- Passion Week Meditation-Rt.Rev.Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa September 11, 2015 Sabha Secretary
- Passion Week Meditation- Rev. Mathew Skariah July 23, 2015Passion Week Meditation- Rev. Mathew SkariahSabha Secretary